Saturday, June 13, 2009

A little improvisation...

Tonight we had a BBQ/Going Away Party for two families in our church, the Gilman's and the Detter's. The Gilman's are being transferred to Georgia where Derek has been reassigned and the Detter's are moving to San Antonio where Jared will be taking a job as a psychologist with the San Antonio Police Department. If I had my way, we'd have one psychologist for every peace officer. Then our state budget would be in even deeper dog doo. I digress. It was also a cool way to get together and thank another family in our church, the Youngbloods, who have faithfully served as our Sunday school leaders for a long time. Eons in fact. Right after Jesus died. We all broke out our best summer recipes, and by we, I mean people who actually can cook, like my wife, definitely not me or I, along with everyone else in attendance, would still be perched over a porcelain necessity in every household for the next three hours, that's including the previous four hours that have passed since we left the church. I digress again. Thesis: it was fun. Since you either were there and missed the conversation photographed or weren't there and don't give a Moses (that's the word Katy wants me to insert instead of crap. I think it only works with "Holy Moses!" instead of "Holy Crap!" which is an interesting phrase in itself to dwell on. I digress thrice), I'll give you some improvisation because it's late and I'd like to.

"Phew! That chipotle sausage is giving me the meat sweats! Good thing I have my trusty blue raspberry Kool-Aid!"

"C'mon in! It really is church and not a jail, I swear! They do make you like the Dodgers to join though..."

"Real good Mr. Baldizon, I was just giving Mr. Grindy my best 'pensive' look for the shoot!"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of the BBQ in this high chair."

No comment.

"Good thing the heroes are here since we have all this smoke!"

"Hey Rob, the Dodgers are still awesome!"

"Being a baby is the best!"

"Katy is the most meticulous chewer I have ever seen!"

"I'm good Dad, I'm good! No need for a safety net composed of your hands!"

"I know you all think my Dad is holding me up here...but you'll see!"

"Told you! Suckas!"

And now, a slide sequence




One creepy grinning father, almost evil looking. *shudder*

And finally, sheer joy.

1 comment:

Baldizon said...

Loved the pics, and witty commentary. thanks for doing this.