Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What smell?

I have a confession to make. I have been a very bad dog mom since the kiddo was born. The other night I realized that Lucy had not had a bath in months and my nose could tell. So the next day I was determined to correct this but I did not want to give her a bath during nap time because that would be too easy. After nap, the boy and I got everything ready and called Lucy into the room with us where she got a much needed (and much too EASY) washing. We then went outside and played while she dried off and went back inside for another nap. Upon waking up I remembered that I needed to make a phone call so I came out into the family room and set the boy down in front of some toys and picked up the phone. I looked back at my son and he was playing with his soccer ball but I noticed there was something a little different about it. Then this horrible smell filled the room and I figured out that it was POOP on the ball. You see, over the past few days the boy has been a little backed up so we have been giving him nature's laxative, prunes. The fruit had done its job. There was so much poop that it had filled his diaper and came out the legs of his shorts and was all over the carpet and his toys. I was a little bit unsure of how to handle this so I picked up the boy, holding him as far away from my body as possible, and took him to the bath tub fully clothed. After I got the situation under control in trots Lucy all clean and shinny but wait. There was something brown all over her neck. It then hit me that there was still poop all over the floor in the family room. Needless to say, I'm tired. Really, really tired.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We don't swim in your toilet so don't pee in our pool!

We received a Target gift card a while back from some good friends and had yet to use it until about a week ago. Katy had been meaning to buy a little pool for Nick to play in on those hot days where living on the Central Coast with no air conditioning is not very tolerable, so the Target gift card got used on this:

Needless to say there were a lot of escape attempts as we just filled it up directly out of the hose and put him in it, not letting the sun heat up the water hardly at all. Not much playing. Plus, when mom's trying to take pictures and dad's working, makes it even harder to keep the little bugger in there.

Escape attempt #1. Result: foiled.

Escape attempt #2. Result: foiled again.

Escape attempt #3. Result: foiled thrice. Realized resistance was futile.

Subjected himself to some light splashing

What long day in a cold pool would be complete without a ride in a convertible to dry your hair?

And since Nick felt tormented by his first baby pool experience, he felt the need to do the same to Lucy

The second go around went a lot smoother. Warm water, and not just from Nick's pee, two parents. We had this thing dialed in!

Let's go mom, hurry up!

Oooh, it's warmer this time!

Pool's are cool!

You'll never guess what I'm doing right now...

Yup, I know you didn't think I would, but I did...twice!

Splashing is fun

Our favorite pic of the day

Holy Moses this thing spits!

I swear I'm trying to keep the hose from leaking not spray Nick with more water...swear.

Is this halibut or mahi-mahi? Whatever it is, its good!

The reward for playing so well in the apple with dad. Exhilarating.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fulfilling an Ordinance

Last Saturday Katy and I attended a membership class at our church, Grace Baptist of Santa Maria. While there, we discussed the importance of fulfilling the ordinances of the church described in Scripture, communion and baptism. Thinking we were both good for both ordinances, I thought nothing of it and was ready to proceed, as I'd been baptized at Cornerstone in Semi Valley in 2003 and Katy had been baptized by her dad when she was 12. Apparently, Katy got convicted. She realized that her faith was not her own and fairly superficial when she professed her faith publicly in 1994. Knowing the need, not for her own salvation but out of a desire to be obedient due to her love for Christ, she immediately knew that she needed to be re-baptized, this time as a definite believer. Not wanting to hurt her dad due to the special bond they had from the event in 1994, was her only hesitation, so after calling him to let him know of her decision, she had a completely clean conscience and tonight at a little after 6:00pm she was baptized! The pastor in the pictures is our senior pastor Duane Johnson, an awesome lover of the Lord. Thanks for the prayers for those who knew what was transpiring and thanks for the post prayers for those who now know!

Being led by Pastor Duane into the baptistery


Just a quirky shot

Giving her testimony

Affirming her faith in Christ

Getting ready for the dunking, er, full immersion

Dead with Christ and raised again! And not looking at the camera while soaking wet...

Nick with his newly baptized and soaked momma!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A little improvisation...

Tonight we had a BBQ/Going Away Party for two families in our church, the Gilman's and the Detter's. The Gilman's are being transferred to Georgia where Derek has been reassigned and the Detter's are moving to San Antonio where Jared will be taking a job as a psychologist with the San Antonio Police Department. If I had my way, we'd have one psychologist for every peace officer. Then our state budget would be in even deeper dog doo. I digress. It was also a cool way to get together and thank another family in our church, the Youngbloods, who have faithfully served as our Sunday school leaders for a long time. Eons in fact. Right after Jesus died. We all broke out our best summer recipes, and by we, I mean people who actually can cook, like my wife, definitely not me or I, along with everyone else in attendance, would still be perched over a porcelain necessity in every household for the next three hours, that's including the previous four hours that have passed since we left the church. I digress again. Thesis: it was fun. Since you either were there and missed the conversation photographed or weren't there and don't give a Moses (that's the word Katy wants me to insert instead of crap. I think it only works with "Holy Moses!" instead of "Holy Crap!" which is an interesting phrase in itself to dwell on. I digress thrice), I'll give you some improvisation because it's late and I'd like to.

"Phew! That chipotle sausage is giving me the meat sweats! Good thing I have my trusty blue raspberry Kool-Aid!"

"C'mon in! It really is church and not a jail, I swear! They do make you like the Dodgers to join though..."

"Real good Mr. Baldizon, I was just giving Mr. Grindy my best 'pensive' look for the shoot!"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of the BBQ in this high chair."

No comment.

"Good thing the heroes are here since we have all this smoke!"

"Hey Rob, the Dodgers are still awesome!"

"Being a baby is the best!"

"Katy is the most meticulous chewer I have ever seen!"

"I'm good Dad, I'm good! No need for a safety net composed of your hands!"

"I know you all think my Dad is holding me up here...but you'll see!"

"Told you! Suckas!"

And now, a slide sequence




One creepy grinning father, almost evil looking. *shudder*

And finally, sheer joy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

It took 9 months, but we finally did it!

So we've lived on the central coast now for almost a year and a half. I think total, we've been to the beach 3 times since living here. We went more when we didn't live on the coast than we do now. We finally took Nick over to the beach, even though we forgot his, as Katy calls it, "cute beach clothes," we did it anyway since we were in Pismo for the evening. Once we got out to the surf it was a beautiful sky and we figured we take a few with Nick and the clouds in the background. After shooting 4 pictures we took him down to the surf to take a few shots there without getting our camera wet, only to have the infamous "replace battery" sign pop up on our screen. In any event, here's Nick on his first visit to the beach, but I promise, even though there is no sand, water, or anything resembling a beach in the shot, he's there.

9 months!!!

Nick turned 9 months old on the 4th of this month! To celebrate, we thought we'd give him his favorite meal...prunes. Here he is showing his gratitude.

Lovely I know.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here we go...5 months in a post

As many of you know, we've been without Internet for about 4 months and have been delaying writing, knowing it would be a doozy, for the last month. Why didn't we have Internet, you might ask? Because comcast is evil. How did we get internet back, you might ask? Because Comcast is evil. I'll try and limit the pictures, but I just did a quick count and we have approximately 1228 pictures or a little over 3 GB of pictures, so I'll do my best. If you want the whole scoop, go to our Picasa site and view them. It took me almost a day to upload everything after editing. Disclaimer - this is extremely lengthy so make sure you have the time. So, without further ado, here we go:

Toward the end of the month, Katy's Grandma, Shirley Snelling, died and gloriously went to heaven to be with Christ. I guarantee there will be a post coming about this. Katy even wrote out what she wanted to say already and saved it for when we got back online. I had to work the weekend of the funeral, but Katy took Nick with her and tagged along with her family for the 12 hour trek up to Oregon. Katy will tell you more about the family, but essentially it's 3 full families: The Snelling's, Schultz's, and Bernards, in fact, here they are now!

Here's Nick being held by his first cousin once removed Lauren

Nick, Jake, and Brieana, our niece and nephew

Katy's brother Brian and her cousin Zach holding Nick. No, I definitely did not authorize the holding of my son by a firefighter...but if I was to allow it I guess Zach would qualify... somewhat.

Katy's Grandma from a scan of her program...we'll miss you!

Not much else really for the month, but then again, how can you top remembering a great lover of our Lord?

I started playing volleyball with a bunch of friends from church, and of course, Nick "dug" it.

He learned to stand on his own, on a very concave surface (my blubber)

Became more productive with his hands

And attempted to get closer to Lucy, but to no avail, in fact boring her.

That concludes the month of love, now, bring on the leprechauns.

It was pretty busy in March for us. A lot of visits/visitors, milestones for Nick, etc. A fairly scary thing happened somewhere in between all the madness. One night I was working swing shift and a fatality happened in our area that closely involved me, but that's a story for my blog. Once arriving home, almost 12 hours after I was supposed to be off, I find my wife in the fetal position on the floor of our bedroom, writhing in pain. Turns out she had a kidney stone. Katy will admit, that it was worse than labor. Part of that pain may have been due to the fact that she didn't know what was causing it at first. So, needless to say, it was a long day for all of us but she got it zapped a few weeks later after being on pain medication and formula feeding Nick for awhile, and is ok. No more Vitamin Water for Katy! Let's get into the rest of the month.

Our friends the Pickards, Tim and Nicole, visited our abode with their four kids. Their youngest, Makaylee, is about a month younger than Nick. Wait. Do you hear that? Is that....? I think....yup, I do....I hear wedding bells!?!

The Pickards oldest daughter, Caitlin, was really sick, but their other two, Grace and Carson, had a blast beating the poo out of each other on the Wii boxing.

Then, Nick turned 6 months...and pooped an awful poop...

And got his first taste of real not really, just some breast milk and mush.

And pooped again, but this time with more sustenance.

He was much more excited when he got peas. Really.

But this time there was green poop (you'll have to visualize a tiny toosh covered in green poo)

We then made a trip up to Roseville to visit the family, and by family, I mean fayhmahleigh, as in a lot.

My parents got a hang on the door bouncer, which Nick loved. This is probably my all time favorite picture.

We set him up in this really old toddler rocker that my Nana, my mom's mom, had when she was a baby and has pictures in. All of the grand kids at about the same age have been photographed in it, and Nick was no exception.

While distracted by family shenanigans, Nick actually fell out (with no injuries mind you!) when we all weren't watching. Good thing it was only about 6 inches! Obviously I still have a lot to learn about parenting since, as you can see, those are my hairy feet clothed in black sandals standing over Nick as he lies spread eagle on the grass!

My cousin Juliana is a photography student in New York and had this sweet old time camera she set up to take pictures of Nick. They're here on her blog, and no, its not the camera she's holding here. Her blog is definitely an interesting read and I encourage you to do so.

What trip to Grandma's (or Noni in this case) would be complete without a sink bath!

My other grandparents stopped by my folks house for a visit and Nick loved his great-grandpa's silvery white mane...good thing because mine is headed that way and quick!

Before we left, we were fortunate enough for my childhood best friend Adam and his wife Michelle to stop by for a visit and announce their first pregnancy. Michelle took holding a baby up pretty easily and should be a natch!

As the month drew to a close, Lucy and Nick began tolerating each other a bit more, even posing for a pic before bed.

Entering in to month 7 of Nick's life, we thought we were starting to figure out this whole parenting thing. Oh how wrong we were. With solid foods came more solid poop. With rolling over came tangling oneself into new objects. Which leads me to a fairly embarrassing moment as a new father. On the day in question, Nick was posing for a few cute photos before I had to leave for a swing shift. He had recently learned to crawl backwards, kicking his legs out behind him and going back onto all fours. This afternoon, he backcrawled all the way to our entertainment center and no further as he ran out of room. Me being the all careful father that I am, pulled him away from said media console by his left arm and his left arm only. Little did I know, his heels had gone under "the unit" and did not bend as I assisted him forward. They in fact hindered his ability to freely act as a sack of potatoes being drug along the floor. After a quick yelp, he carried on as if nothing had happened. Shortly after, I left for work while Katy and Nick stayed at the house. I received a call from Katy later in the day, informing me that Nick kept screaming whenever she touched his left arm. I, again being the nurturing parent that I am, told her to wait an hour and see if he was still being a baby. An hour later I received the same call and we decided to take Nick to the hospital, only to find out his left elbow had been dislocated. While awaiting the call from CPS to haul me off to "county" while still in full CHP road uniform, Katy related the doctor merely ran his hands along Nick's arm, found the sore spot, and just popped it right back into place in one quick half-second motion. Ever since, Nick has been unable to use his left arm and may have to have an amputation. Not really, but that's what I thought would happen while spending my days in the state pen. So here he is, moment's before the traumatic experience, showing off his baby blue eyes.

Shortly after becoming semi-mobile, Nick discovered shoes. First his own, as is evidenced here, then others which had been worn on the actual ground. No pictures of that yet because it's gross.

April is the month Nick learned to crawl. About two weeks before, he learned to pop up onto his toes.

Before crawling, we celebrated Easter, the day to remember our Lord Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Since I had to work that weekend, we were invited over to our friends the Balidizon's parents, the Jones', for Easter lunch, along with a few other families we've come to know. It must be prefaced that we're a part of a Sunday School class that seems to provide most of the new membership through birthing. It enables us all to relate in a way necessary for sanity. Nick and his buddy Kade Baldizon, frequently chill, and as Nick went to his toes better than he could sit up without support, Kade felt the need to lend a hand.

Two other kiddos, Luke and Kaley, with Nick and Kade. Turned out to be a beautiful Easter Sunday.

Easter night I had to leave for a two week training in Riverside to become what's called a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), enabling me to more properly identify and determine the influence of certain drugs on individuals and thus testify in court as an expert witness. In between the two weeks I came home for a whirlwind visit with our friends Andrew, Jessica, and Sammy Davidson.

Right after coming home, Nick was actually wearing a hat. Normally he takes whatever is on his head off, and commences to gum it to death. But, he tolerated it at least long enough to snap a few pics.

Nick and Sammy got a long really well, but I'll admit, Nick was a bit of a bully, pushing Sammy a few times and stealing his pacifier right out of Sammy's mouth and placing it in his own. Here's a picture of them playing (or laying, whatever) nicely.

Here we all are right before taking off for church. Nick already started his worship!

Again, Sunday I had to go back to Riverside, but this time, Katy and Nick came with me and we made a pit stop in Simi Valley to see our old college friends the Moore's, Beuving's, Susan, and Alison. Nick loved Alison, especially her hair, and I hear they have similar eye color? I don't know, you be the judge.

Katy, Nick, Sarah Moore, Seth Moore, Alison, and (not pictured) Silas Moore.

While staying in...uh...beautiful Riverside, we were able to take advantage of the hotel pool and give Nick his first swim.

Nick and I post dip, tolerating a hat, and showing his dire need for a tan.

While staying in the Riverside Hilton, Nick learned to crawl!!! Way to go son!!!

Yeah, no pictures or video. I guess we were too excited to take any and our video camera crapped out on us. Next topic!

My roomate from the academy, Jason, and his wife Tina, had their second son, Christian, during the first week I was there. Katy, Nick and I went for a visit and hung out with them and their first son Nathan. Good times, as you can tell from Nathan's expression.

Katy and Nick at the Grahams.

And finally, after what seemed like a never ending month of travel and visiting, I had to perform a bunch of certifications for the DRE program, travelling to good ol' armpit of the Golden State Bakersfield. Fortuantely, my sergeant let me drive to and from Bako in a patrol vehicle, which led to a cool photo shoot with Katy and Nick.

Hagning out with Officer Dad

Learning how to conquer EVOC

For some reason, I received a lot of training in a two month time span. In May, that included a week in San Mateo which seemed like a vacation if I'm being honest. We were able to check out a lot of San Francisco, spend time with my cousin and his girlfriend, and even catch an A's game.

Nick showing where his true heart lies.

Not too sure what all these people are doing watching guys on grass.

Glad it's almost over

Nick definitely picked up the whole enamored with oneself in a mirror thing from me...yes I can be a bit vain, so I've been told. Here he is in the hotel mirror, privates covered. Sorry pedophiles.

The family attempting to look fascinated by the majesty of God's creation...Nick didn't really cooperate.

Both of us, ok all three of us but Nick didn't look, he slept, had never seen the backside or butt of the Golden Gate. Very pretty even in this amateur picture.

After cruising around Presidio, we were able to meet my cousin Chris and his girlfriend Jen for dinner. Chris really took to Nick which was cool to see, and was adamant about holding him upside down for a picture. Jen, however, got the short end of the stick as it put her womanly parts right in reach of Nick's ever-reaching hand. Glad she had a good sense of humor about it. Nick obviously saw nothing wrong with the social awkwardness.

After our week in San Mateo, we stopped by my folks' house for a day and night and got some pool time in. Nick must be getting better with his hats and loved to be thrown, or maybe I loved to throw him, either way it was fun.

Katy was ecstatic that her son was loving the water, I'm not so sure he was. Only time will tell.

Once back home, laundry needed to be done, so of course what better way to watch a crawling baby than to place him right in one's work!

And relaxing on a lazy Sunday, just watching some tv, or maybe just eating the remote.

What weekend would be complete without a little tormenting of the family pet?! Lucy hasn't really come to grips with the fact that Nick is mobile yet. Fortunately his hands and/or face hasn't paid the penalty for it.

Nick also got his first teeth finally, just shy of 9 months. In this pic you can see the bottom right one already through, and the bottom left one breaking the gum surface. Katy had to rub her head into his tummy like 10 times in order to get him to open his mouth wide enough for the shot.

Hanging out in the backyard

And we bought a house! Or townhome! Or condo! Whatever, it's a home! So here's our piece of dirt. I'm sure there'll be more thoughts and pictures about this to come, but the jist is that it is off the 246 in Buellton, about a mile from where we live now. Super excited and it should be done sometime in October!

And finally, learning to walk and not too happy about it. This thing holding him up may seem like we're being lazy parents and all you veterans are thinking, "Part of the joy in seeing them walk is knowing your back pain will subside," well whatever. This thing is awesome and everyone should spend the $10 to get it!

So that's us. Now we're up to date. Sorry for the length, and we'll try to be better now that we don't have an excuse!