Sunday, January 13, 2008

not the greatest rememberers

So katy and I, ok, mostly me, forgot something quite important a few days ago. I forgot to call my mom on her birthday. I know. Woe is me. I am quite the crap bag. So in honor of that abysmal occasion, I decided to try and help make up for being the world's worst son by doing a picture montage of my mom with katy and i, narrated by me. the crap bag.

mom teaching me at a young age that it's ok to be hairy...see? your dog bogie is hairy and she's content!

mom letting me listen to how a true son wishes his mom happy birthday even inside a belly

pssst, hey mom! i'm gonna forget your birthday in about 25 years! sorry!

if you're a crap bag and you know it clap your hands!

about what I was doing the other night when I forgot mom's birthday

just push me down the mountain now and save you some trouble later mom

ahhh what a college education can do for one's intelligence...forgetting the birthday of the one who bore you. sad.

probably would've done a lot worse to my face had she known what was coming in a few years.

one last dance before it all goes down the tubes. pitiful rob.

how a real son treats his mother.

sorry michele, i'm partly to blame as well. now i'll always be runner up to natalie.

finally, pre-forgotten birthday. a somewhat happy scene. the last of it's kind.


1 comment:

Michele or Tim Grindy said...

Okay - I forgave you already as soon as I heard you remember on the phone (after I had to tell you what why I was calling the day after...). The photo apology was not necessary - but I did birth cute kids - even if they are getting more forgetful as they get close to 30...
Katy - Rob should have told you, not vice versa. And you haven't made any derogatory statements about mother-in-laws in general yet (at least not with me standing next to you), so you and Natalie are equal at this point. :)

All that being said, you could possibly remove this from my memory if you moved back to Northern California...

I still love you both - (and Lucy too)