Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Almost 2/3 there!

Katy just informed me this morning that she's almost in her third trimester. Crazy. In only a few more months the Grindy's will be parents. From my perspective I know Katy's ready, but I'm not so sure about me. Give me some advice dads, and moms from the dad's perspective. Here's the list of why I think I'm ready, and then I'll juxtapose that with why I'm not:

Why I'm ready:
God seems to think so
Katy's pregnant
I love kids
I started my career
We have decent health insurance

Now I know the last two are a bit superficial, but I needed to get at least five! Now here's the other list:

Why I'm not ready:
Katy's due in a little over 3 months
I love kids in less than 4 hour doses
I don't know how to change a diaper
I like to poop but I don't like other peoples poop
I laugh at my audible bodily funcitons
I laugh at other people's bodily functions even more
I drink out of the milk carton
I like to sleep
I don't wake up when I sleep
I'm loud and wake up others when they're sleeping
I'm quite hairy and give the boy a lot to grab onto (maybe I should wax...naw, that hurts, a lot!)
I don't feel like I'm where I want to be spiritually, so how can I lead my son when I'm not there
I don't pray enough, fast enough, read the word enough to set an example
I fall short of the glory of God more than anyone else I know

Maybe it's these last three things that will get me through being a father. I may not be the best dad in the world, but I promise I will give it my all. Maybe being a parent is the next step for me in my walk with Christ, sort of a mirror to look into and realize I was there once, with those questions and those sins, but now I'm here with a whole new bunch of questions and sins I didn't even know existed then. Maybe this whole parent thing is partially to raise up more believers for the kingdom of God but also to increase the faith and reliance in Christ among those already in the fold of God. Isn't it funny too how just writing down your thoughts as you think them through can sometimes bring you to the most awesome conclusions. Praise the Lord for the Lord for His wisdom that he can give me in this new chapter in our lives, and praise the Lord for having the most incompetent child rearer be paired with a child development major who has been taking care of kids her entire adult life and will be the most awesome mother you have ever seen!


Carrie Squires said...

Nice thoughts. I especially think the fact that you "laugh at other people's bodily functions even more" will come in handy!

Justice and Ashley Jones said...

You are an overthinker.... have you heard that this week?

You'll be fine. The trick is, as you well know, is a capable wife. If she can handle you (for which we all praise her) a little one will be no problem (at least the little Grindy will have an excuse - inexperience).

As for not wanting to smell or change diapers, I could have agreed 10.873 months ago, however, that all changes the moment you meet the little guy/gal. You'll be holding their little butt up to your nose and doing the diaper-peek before you know it. Then everyone who doesn't have a kid will look at you like you're an idiot... the rest of us will just bow our heads in silence and think to ourselves, "now THERE's a REAL man." Then we'll go back to doing whatever our wives tell us to do.

Wisners said...

You're more ready than you give yourself credit. Dave was a novice when it came to babies 7 months ago, and didn't even like holding them for fear that they would break. :0)
He's such a champ and a natural at the dadddy thing. You'll be the same!
We love you guys!
The Wiz Kids

D clan 5 said...

No worries, we're getting raptured soon anyway :)