Friday, September 4, 2009

One is not the loneliest number...

Today our son turns one! Well, he actually does at 1:51pm, but still. It's amazing how fast the time has flown by. We love you buddy! Here's a montage with a picture for each month of his life. Happy birthday Nick!

Month 1: Our little red man!

Month 2: Looking handsome with a little help from Andre

Month 3: Getting ready for Farmer's Market in SLO

Month 4: This shirt still rings true

Month 5: Vegas baby!

Month 6: Zonked in his carrier with a monkey who no longer exists thanks to Lucy

Month 7: Still one of our all-time favorites, enjoying a bouncer

Month 8: Serious friends being serious (Happy belated birthday Sammy!)

Month 9: Happy as a clam watching the tube in a barcalounger

Month 10: Poolside enjoying the sun

Month 11: Freezing cold and crying or so happy he can't breathe?

Month 12: A little mousy influence

Can't wait for the next year Nick!

1 comment:

D clan 5 said...

Happy Birthday Nick!!! You are such a handsome little boy! :) A,J & S