These posts have been about a week in the making. I was doing so well in keeping up with things, but then we started traveling and it all went down the pooper. Last Thursday morning we set out, and by we I mean the 4 of us (Katy, Nick, Lucy and I), on our very first road trip. We went up to Roseville for what we thought would be a relaxing, no schedule trip, but quickly turned into a whirlwind adventure. We got in late Thursday night, after what should have been an easy 5 1/2 hour trip that became a 9 1/2 hour fiasco. My folks have two dogs, an old awesome mastiff named Tucker, and a cocker spaniel named Chester. Chester is what you would call a mama's dog and was quite interested in what was taking away all of his mom's attention, taking it upon himself to sniff the merchandise, that being Nick.
The next day after we finally exited our room at my parents, the four of us plus Chester, took a stroll down to the local park for an afternoon outing. I know what you're thinking. Nick can't even support his head yet, why is he going to a park?! While that may be true, this particular park is completely fenced in and Lucy needed a good run, Nick needed a little sun as the jaundice he had is still clinging for dear life, and Katy and I were sick of being in either a car or the house.
After a brisk walk to the local grassy knoll, we realized he probably got too hot (the clues being drenched in his and Katy's sweat) and could cool off in a nice sink bath at Noni and Pappy's (my mom and dad). In classic grandma's house fashion, we stripped him, dunked him, and washed him.
What lovely, nice, refreshing, cleansing bath would be complete without a post deuce dropping? None I tell you! The rule has been in our house that if you're holding Nick when the deuce is dropped, then you do the changing, with certain exceptions that can apply when approved by the mom. My dad tried to invoke some ancient "grandfather law" which states that "no grandfather has to change the diaper of any grandchild if said grandchild is in the vicinity of any able bodied relative capable of changing said diaper." Katy threw that right out the window within 24 hours of arrival. So here he is, in full diaper changing mode, and quite candid, I give you...Pappy!
(notice the diaper in hand)
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